At Hereward Primary School, we recognise the importance of Physical Education on a child’s health and emotional well-being and the impact of this throughout an individual’s life. Our intention is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum offering a wide range of sports that results in a healthy, active lifestyle. We will teach children a broad, progressive range of skills through their school career. We will teach them resilience, respect and fairness. The children will be taught how to collaborate, co-operate, communicate and compete. Children will learn to take the initiative and become leaders helping and motivating each other. They will engage in competitive sports and have the opportunity to be creative and perform in less competitive, but equally important, environments. They will be able to be physically active for a sustained period of time.
The National Curriculum for Physical Education in England aims to ensure that all pupils:
At Hereward Primary School, the children participate in a range of activities within Physical Education lessons which incorporate the skills necessary for games, gymnastics, dance, athletics and swimming.
In addition, there are a number of after-school and pre-school clubs which promote children's sporting prowess and fitness, including a 'Cross-Country Club', 'Funksters Dance Groups', Karate and of course, football, netball, tag-rugby and cricket.