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Accenture Inclusion & The Power of Diversity | Accenture



At Hereward Primary School, we pledge to respect the equal human rights of all our pupils, to educate them about equality and to respect the equal rights of our staff and other members of the school community.


As part of our duty to conform to the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED), we focus on the three key areas of the duty which are:


Eliminating discrimination

We have clear policies for behaviour and anti-bullying and utilise many strategies to promote positive actions within these areas. In addition, we adhere to the Epping Forest Schools Partnership Trust / Local Authority policies on pay and recruitment in order to ensure that discrimination does not take place.


Advancing equality of opportunity

We analyse data of different pupils and groups of children extensively throughout the school and publish data related to it, for example, on the Pupil Premium Grant impact report. We also focus on the attendance of different groups to ensure that we can take positive steps to prevent persistent absences from re-occurring.


Fostering good relations

Through our PSHE & Citizenship curriculum , we focus on aspects which promote tolerance, friendship, and understanding of a range of religions and cultures. Our assemblies deal with relevant issues and we engage with community groups to support us to promote understanding of disabilities, such as 'Guide Dogs for the Blind'.




    • To have a particular spotlight on SEND, Disadvantaged and English as an additional
      language pupils to ensure that everyone can flourish and learn;
    • To ensure that the school’s rich curriculum offers many opportunities to address
    • To ensure that a difference is made to the well-being of all pupils and staff by monitoring bullying and harassment of race, disability and gender.


    Please download our 'Equality Objectives - 2023-2027' document below, as well as our full 'Equality Policy' if you wish.

    Equality Objectives - 2023 - 2027

    Equalities Policy
